Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Trade Deadline Edition of the Rumor Write Up

Sorry for delay in your fix of the Rumor Write Up, the great snow deluge on the Eastern part of the United States basically shut everything down for a week but now we are back! This special SUPER edition will focus on some of the trade rumors that may or may not go down before the NBA trade deadline next week.

1. Amare Stoudemire

Well Amare aka STAT (Standing Tall and Talented) is rumored as going to just about every team as Phoenix is looking for cap relief (with Amare able to opt in for 17 million next year) as well as a chance to rebuild their team. The problem with STAT is that while he is an excellent offensive talent, his defensive skills are really lacking (like to the point that he might as well be standing still). In spite of this fact, many teams on the cusp of a title run or looking to beg a star player with reasons to stay around *cough*Lebron and D. Wade*cough*.

Possible trade destinations:
Cavs - the Cavs seem to just need one more piece to be a lock for the Finals and for the King's first NBA championship. Though the Cavs are on a strong run right now, you can't help but think that the addition of an All-Star player like Stoudemire puts them over the top. Plus getting some help around James might help him stay in town. Unfortunately the Cavs are lacking in pieces to trade with the most likely offer being prospect J.J. Hickson (7th best player on the team) and Ilgauskas going to the Suns for Amare.

Heat - The Heat have offered up Jermaine O'Neal or Michael Beasley for the chance to essentially lure D. Wade into forgoing his increasing interest in going to his "adopted home": Chicago. This season's hopes are not that bright so this would be a move for a nucleus to build a future championship team around.

Warriors - This deal was rumored before the draft last year so it is not surprising to see these talks come back again. The Warriors are trying to rebuild their core by trading away some of their many prospects for a proven star in Amare. The most recent rumor has names like Raja Bell, Stephen Curry, Anthony Randolph and Morrow and even Speedy Claxton being thrown around as Golden State's offer.

Sixers - this offer involves one of the other most talked about names on the trading block in Andre Iguodala. Philadelphia is apparently in desperation mode to get rid of some of the horrible contracts on their books (Dalembert and Brand) and they also have young prospects to use as trade pieces. The goal for Philly in this deal would probably be for the cap relief and unfortunately with Amare and his player option that is not guaranteed

2. Ray Allen

Due to the recent struggles of the Boston Celtics there has been a good amount of talk about the Celtics' need to bring in some fresh blood if they want to have a realistic chance at bring home the title again or even making it out of the second round. The trade rumors have been centered around Ray Allen as his expiring contract and specialty skills make him an attractive option for teams looking for a short term fix that will lead to cap space for the upcoming offseason. The teams rumored to be involved in talks are the Bulls (offering Kirk Hinrich and John Salmons), the Heat, and the Knicks.

3. Tracy McGrady (and his expiring contract)

The Rockets have proven this year and last that they don't need the consistently fragile and injured Tracy McGrady to have success in the playoffs and are ready to part ways with the former superstar. The most popular rumor calls for a Iguodala-McGrady swap allowing the Rockets to add a superstar level piece to make a run in the West and the Sixers to get much needed cap relief from McGrady's 23 million dollar expiring contract.

There are other teams involved in talks to acquire the lucrative contract in order to gain some cap for the epic 2010 free agent class including the Knicks, Wizards, Heat and Bulls.

4. Andre Iguodala (with a handcuff of one of Philly's horrible contracts)

See Amare Stoudemire and Tracy McGrady above. The Celtics and the Cavaliers have also been rumored to make inquires as to the availability of Iguodala. The only problem with any deal for Iggy is that the Sixers will probably require the receiving team to take on one of the Sixers overpaid big men and many teams are wary in doing that.

5. Pretty much any Wizards player

The possible Mavericks deal in the works notwithstanding (Caron Butler, Brendan Haywood, and Deshawn Stevenson for Josh Howard and Drew Gooden), the Wizards are in fire sale mode and still probably want to move Antwan Jamison and if any team would be stupid enough to take him, Gilbert Arenas. Since the Agent Zero trade will never happen, Jamison is one of the hottest commodities on the market since he is only one of two elite big men with excellent shooting range on the market (Troy Murphy of the Pacers being the other).

The Cavs are the vehement suitors for Jamison as a power forward who could stretch the floor would really spread out the defense and allow for even more room for the King to roam. If the Cavs are able to acquire him from the Wizards look for the Cavs to be the team to beat for the NBA title.

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