Thursday, July 1, 2010

World Cup 2010 Recap

The most popular sporting event in the world is nearing a close so I figured it was time to give it some time on the site. I am sure you have seen the recent World Cup craze taking over your office killing productivity from 9:30-11:30 and then again from 2:30-4:30. If you think that is bad it is nothing compared to Brazil whose country nearly shuts down during the World Cup causing the country to lose millions on game days.

South Africa the Host Nation
All the talk has been about Africa finally getting to host a world cup. After the stampede problem just before the beginning of the Cup things have gone off without many noticeable glitches. Unfortunately for the continent, however, only one team made it out of the group stage leaving a few of the countries most notable names (Drogba and Eto) on the sidelines. At the same time that makes Ghana's progress to the quarterfinals that much more impressive as their superstar Essien has been out since injuring himself during training for the Africa Cup of Nations.

Poor Referees
Another talking point during this Cup has been the quality of officiating. The first scandal dropped when the US' game winning goal was wiped away without any explanation from the ref. Soon after Kaka was thrown out of a game versus the Ivory Coast for a phantom foul call. Then in the knock out stage England lost a goal against Germany that completely changed the tide of the game. All of these calls should not be happening during the biggest sporting event in the world. Things have gotten so bad FIFA is now talking about installing instant replay.

Play on the Field
The United States was finally put out of their misery by Ghana after their tendency to start slow finally cost them a game. Some will question the coach's lineup decisions, but at this level if a person is on the team they should be able to step up to the occasion.
Across the board goals have been few and far between. Due to this the sport is unlikely to gain any sustainable momentum in the US. However, for the games excitement a lack of goals creates a tense environment where any goal can be the game winner.
As for the teams remaining it is much to be expected. Brazil has walked into the quarter finals toying with their competition. Spain outlasted Portugal in a blockbuster 2 vs 3 matchup. Overall the field has shaken out as expected with 5 of the remaining 8 teams being ranked in the top 10 of the world.

Final Prediction
Brazill vs. Argentina

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