Thursday, May 13, 2010

Possible Instant Classic: Game 6 in Boston

Tonight we shall embark on what may be a fork in the road moment not only for the 2010 NBA playoffs but possibly also for the next decade in the NBA. When the Boston Celtics take on the Cleveland Cavaliers in Beantown there may be more on the line than just a Conference Finals berth. There is the possibility that we could be facing the rebirth of a Boston team that many (including myself) declared as dead as recently as a few weeks ago. There is also the possibility (and in my opinion a good one) that we may be seeing Lebron's last game in a Cleveland uniform if he does well and his teammates let him down. I know it's a little ridiculous to take so much from one game but after the near calamity that occurred after game 5 I believe anything is possible.

So far I've heard at least a million theories regarding why Lebron did so badly last game. Here are my favorites:
  • Lebron was suffering from depression as a result of the pain medication for his elbow injury or even he accidentally took too much and was just too drugged up to play.
  • Lebron was mad at Mike Brown for not efficiently doling out playing time to the necessary people in their game 4 loss and has lost confidence in him. 
  • Since he's going to be a free agent and leave, he's tanking to make it easier on the Cleveland fans.
Mostly ridiculous stuff as you can see and I doubt we will find out if any of them are true but still funny all the same. People are ready to crucify James for his performance, even though he is only one member of that team. One thing that did concern me about Lebron in that game is that he seemed not as into the game as usual. Some have mentioned his lack of involvement in two skirmish that occurred with him in the game (Shaq-Perkins)(Williams-Rondo). Some spoke about his continuous long looks at the ceiling of the Quicken Loans Arena. And these things aren't typical of Lebron especially in the playoffs. Everyone is ready to label him the new Karl Malone instead of the new Jordan or Magic or Bird. The problem with that is that, in the case of Magic, Bird and Jordan, they all had Robins to pick up in games that they were doing bad in. Lebron has over-the-hill Shaq, Mo Williams (the world's worst All Star selection), or Antawn "I have never been good in big moments, ask Wizards fans" Jamison.

So what happens if the Cavs lose? Who knows but the most likely locations I could see Lebron in are

  • Chicago which is unfortunate because I just feel like the Jordan shadow would always be there
  • Cleveland as he could make the most money there and maybe he just doesn't want to go out this way. He would become a pariah in Cleveland if he leaves...on par with Art Modell
  • The Knicks, which is ridiculous if he wants to win now because they literally have no one else.. or 
  • the future Brooklyn Nets (who I actually wouldn't mind especially after they win the draft lottery and draft John Wall *wink*) Could you imagine a Wall-James-BrookLopez combo plus throw in some 2nd tier free agent as well?????????? sorry my heart just stopped.

My thought: Lebron should come out firing as he usually shows up in elimination games but we must remember this is a team sport. It just feels like Boston understands that they must win this game tonight and cannot let it go back to Cleveland. But it's really up in the air.  Would anyone watching the NBA at the All Star break believe we could possibly hear these words uttered : It's the Celtics, It's the Suns, It's the NBA Finals!!! Just saying it could happen. One thing for sure though, David Stern must be peeing in his pants right now.

Check me out on twitter tonight (EDIASDblog) as I'll be tweeting about the game throughout the evening. Hopefully its a good one.


  1. I agree I anticipate that LeBron will probably have a LeBron-esque game and put up big numbers. But unfortunately, I'm not sure if it will be enough to stop the Celtics. I think Matt said this before but its basically a 4 on 1 game ( 1 and a 1/2 if you count Shaq). And even though I think LeBron is great and can do great things, I'm not sure if he can beat those odds two games in a row. Especially, considering that he is not at 100% because of this mysterious elbow injury.

    And you forgot the theory that this is all a NBA conspiracy to boost ratings and keep fans engaged in the playoffs after the 3 sweeps.

  2. Cavs will probably lose because LeBron doesn't care about this playoff season anymore. Jordan said it best when he said young NBA players these days get things they haven't earned. Why would LeBron die for the game like Jordan did when he's already dubbed the "Chosen One" and "King"?

  3. At nearly the halfway point, I gotta say this game is living up to its hype on every front except for the LeBron factor. He's got a decent stat sheet - 12 points 6 reb 4 ast at this writing right before halftime, but hasn't done enough to take control of the game away from the Celtics.

  4. Did anyone else see how he took off his Cavs jersey with the quickness at the end of the game and threw it on the floor as soon as he walked into the locker room???
