Thursday, May 27, 2010


The school year may be over, but that just means its closer to being football season. With all the talk about possible expansion of the Big Ten (which already has 11 teams) I thought it would be interesting to create my own football super conferences. I am sorry to announce for all those Big 12 folks out there I believe in order for this to occur your conference will have to collapse. Ahhh well.

Big 10
Will pick up Missouri, Nebraska, Notre Dame, Pittsburgh and West Virginia and Cincinnati
With these additions the Big 10 would definitely propel itself into a solid number 2 conference.
Games to look forward to in the new conference
Notre Dame vs Ohio State (Legendary)
Michigan vs West Virginia (Rich Rod Battle)
Michigan vs Nebraska (battle of legendary programs)
2010 Champion Ohio State

Same teams with the addition of the University of Texas, Oklahoma, Virginia Tech, and Florida State and Miami.
aka the SEC just formed into the best conference ever to be in existence much like the Champions League in European soccer.
Games to look forward to in the new conference
Oklahoma vs Miami (Legendary)
Texas vs Florida (Amazing match up enough said)
Virginia Tech vs Alabama (New rivals albeit one-sided)
2010 Champion Alabama

To make up for the losses the ACC will pick up Rutgers, UCONN and Syracuse helping extend its reach further in the northeast.
Lets be real this league would not be that interesting.
2010 Champion Georgia Tech (Last season was not enough for them to gain access into the sec but if they keep it up maybe they could switch with under performing uga)

PAC 10
The Pac 10 would pick up Boise State, BYU, Texas Tech, Colorado, and Oklahoma State
Its funny that this set of schools would actually bring a load of credibility to this conference and make for a few more entertaining games.
USC vs Boise State (The new vs the old)
Oregon vs Oklahoma State (Gun slinging battle)
Stanford vs BYU (Can you imagine the stanford band on byu's campus. TRAIN WRECK!)
2010 Champion Boise State (tough decision but they would probably lose the fewest games)

National Championship
Alabama vs Texas
Two teams from the same conference! How would it happen? Alabama would beat Florida in the sec championship final which would allow 1 loss Texas to slide into the championship game AGAIN, because lets be real no one wants to see Ohio State in the championship game.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An Interesting Final 4

There will be one final, final four this coming weekend and the sport is Lacrosse. This Saturday in Baltimore UVA, Duke, Cornell, and Notre Dame meet to see who will take the crown. However, with all that is at stake on the field the game is the last thing people are talking about. The debate between UVA and Duke is more about their past scandals rather than who will win the third meeting this year between these teams.

Everyone is familiar with the Duke "rape" scandal that occurred 4 years ago. Drama swarmed the Duke campus as people were ready to throw the lacrosse team under the bus for their actions. Months later the world found out that the accuser was a crazy liar. Earlier this year she was arrested for attempted murder. Despite their names being cleared and a number of the former players moving on the Duke team still can not escape that label as being a group of rapist.

Just when it seemed like Duke would forever hold the crown as the most hated sports team ever tragedy struck the University of Virginia when a member of the men's lacrosse team decided to take the life of a member of the women's lacrosse team. Unlike in the Duke case and despite the loss both teams decided to continue with their seasons. Last weekend the women were knocked out in the quarterfinals by Northwestern.

With all of the attention on UVA's scandal Duke and its own past has been dug up from the grave. This match Saturday will really test who can bury the demons of their past and leave it all out on the field.

Game Notes
UVA is the number 1 overall seed and only lost one game this season, but the loss came to Duke
Duke is the number 5 overall seed and after a rough start to the season they have only lost one game and that was to UVA in the ACC tournament. Before that loss Duke had not loss to UVA in 5 years.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Who Rules the Castle if the King is Gone? (Conference Finals Predictions)

Well, we've finally finished with the second round and instead of the story of the league being the match-ups for the next round, most sports analysts are discussing what's next for Lebron James and where he'll end up . Luckily for you though we here at Every Day is a Sports Day will buck the trend and focus on the games still left to play. In this round we have a couple of regulars and a couple of surprises. Most people penciled in the Orlando Magic and the Los Angeles Lakers into at least the conference finals this year. But a few months ago no one would have thought the Boston Celtics or the Phoenix Suns would have made it this far, especially not through the teams they had to endure in the semifinals. The supposedly old and slow Celtics beat the King and his minions while the Suns exorcised the San Antonio demon that has plagued them for years. Now we get to see if these two underdogs can produce some excitement in this round and perhaps knock out the two returning Finals participants. Here are our predictions as to who will advance to play for the NBA Championship:

Boston Celtics vs. Orlando Magic - Celtics won game 1 - 92-88

Girmay I just have one question: who on the Celtics gonna stop Dwight? Magic will take the Celtics in 6
Marcus:  I see this new(for one series against rather sub-par competition) slightly smarter and less foul-prone Dwight Howard having a great series against Kevin Garnett, drawing double teams and then...well, it's lights out as the 3 pointers fly.  If this basketball-playing Vince Carter guy continues to show up, as opposed to the one who played the rest of the season...look out, this could be even less than six games.  Boston's key strength will come in Rondo.  I think that defensively, the Celtics will look considerably less formidable against the Magic as they'll have to guard everyone on the floor, rather than just LBJ. I think this is a 6 game series going to Orlando.
Michelle: Boston fans will continually tell you that the Celtics are a "playoff team" and I'm starting to believe it.  I think they have found their rhythm as a team again and have a developed an offense with several potential threats.  And to be honest, I wish I could say that I was really watching the Magic this post season but I haven't I because blowouts bore me.  I'm not sure if the lack of real competition has help or hurt Orlando. Boston will win. 
Sport4Prophet's Pick: The Magic have the offense while the Celtics provide the defense. The Celtics are playing as if this is their last chance to taste championship glory again while the Magic were able to roll off 8 straight in their quest to avenge last years Finals defeat. The Celtics were the best road team in the league this year and the Magic have the deepest bench in the game right now. So who will prevail? I believe youth wins out over experience, as the Celtics just run out of steam down the stretch. Magic in 7.

Phoenix Suns vs. Los Angeles Lakers

Girmay: I just think the Lakers are too big for the Suns to take on. The Suns have a better point guard but that's about it. Lakers will take the Suns in 5.
Marcus: I think Phoenix is going to have the exact same issue that Utah had with LA.  Size and Kobe.  No one can match up with 2 7 footers simultaneously on the floor, and 3 is just unfair.  I see point guard being very interesting.  Nash will have a good series abusing Derek Fisher...Derek Fisher will have a decent series abusing (to whatever extent he's capable of) Steve Nash.  The one Laker concern I see is more or less Pau Gasol not being able to play physically enough against Amare, but I've always thought that talent trumps physicality, and Gasol has that in ever-expanding spades  They also have no Kobe stopper of any sort at all...not that anyone does. LA in 4 + Number of Games the Lakers take off (same estimate as last series, except they didn't take any off).
Michelle: I think I'm pulling for Kobe and Company.  They have had a long break to recovery from being banged up and bruised so all the great things that we saw from them in the Utah series should be taken to the next level. The thing to watch her is if Robin Lopez coming off the bench becomes the X factor for the Suns to pull the upset. Lakers win.
Sport4Prophet's Pick: As much as I would love to see Steve Nash and company finally get a chance at a ring, it just doesn't seem likely that they can overcome the Lakers might. If you have to depend on Jason Collins to stop anybody even a hobbled Andrew Bynum you have to be worried. If Robin Lopez comes back the series may become more interesting but as it stands right now with the way the Lakers are currently playing the Suns only stand the slimmest of chances. Sadly, Lakers in 5.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good Ol' Michael Jordan Called LeBron's Fate

Warning, the following is a rant about tonight's game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics:

WHAT KIND OF GAME WAS THIS? The fact that the Cavs are the number one team in the league, with the 2x reigning MVP, playing like this wasn't a conference semi-finals game (let alone the most important game in their franchise's history) makes. me. sick.

The issue here isn't LeBron James- the issue is the NBA and the poisonous notion that champions don't have to win championships. When we watch NCAA games, those cats play like their lives are on the line. If they're missing shots, at least you know they were killing themselves trying. Blood. Sweat. And (if you were watching this year's March Madness) a whole lot of tears. In the NBA, how big is the incentive to win? When he loses, LeBron still earns 16 million + millions more in endorsements. He, and all of us, already call him "the Chosen One", the "King", and Nike says we are his "witnesses". Michael Jordan in a 2006 interview with 60 Minutes said,
"The kids today, they're being given things that they haven't earned. I think the game is being cheated because of the success that's being given prior to them earning it."

I'm sorry- I'm not hating but the fact that LeBron sits in interviews after losing some of the most important games of his life (barely trying) with diamond studded watches and bracelets adorning his wrists, and tattoos like "The Chosen One" on his body, takes away from the incentive, determination and drive to win a title and leaves HUGE fans of his (like me) utterly disappointed.

So to the NBA, Nike, and the rest of the world: PLEASE stop treating players (not just LeBron) like they're God until they reach a status that is deserving of it. Otherwise, we drastically, drastically take away from the fiery, competitive spirit of the sport that we love and instead are left with watered-down games riddled with turn-overs, lackadaisical athleticism, and players who are not willing to die for the trophy's everlasting glory.

Michael Jordan was willing to die for the trophy as evidenced by his legendary flu game, the "love for the game" clause in his basketball contract, and his returning to the game twice after retirement. Kobe Bryant has that drive too- you see it in those bone-chilling stares he gives his opponents. It's different watching guys like them. LeBron may have them beat on natural talent, but he needs to do something about his drive. The heart of a champion isn't created through premature praise and sickeningly huge endorsements. The heart of a champion is earned despite of all these things because one knows deep in his soul that he will be nothing more than a whisper in the ears of history unless the chimes of his championships reverberate throughout time.

It is our job as fans to remind them of this. I don't blame LeBron. I blame us.

-The Supersonic Zombie, Girmay

Possible Instant Classic: Game 6 in Boston

Tonight we shall embark on what may be a fork in the road moment not only for the 2010 NBA playoffs but possibly also for the next decade in the NBA. When the Boston Celtics take on the Cleveland Cavaliers in Beantown there may be more on the line than just a Conference Finals berth. There is the possibility that we could be facing the rebirth of a Boston team that many (including myself) declared as dead as recently as a few weeks ago. There is also the possibility (and in my opinion a good one) that we may be seeing Lebron's last game in a Cleveland uniform if he does well and his teammates let him down. I know it's a little ridiculous to take so much from one game but after the near calamity that occurred after game 5 I believe anything is possible.

So far I've heard at least a million theories regarding why Lebron did so badly last game. Here are my favorites:
  • Lebron was suffering from depression as a result of the pain medication for his elbow injury or even he accidentally took too much and was just too drugged up to play.
  • Lebron was mad at Mike Brown for not efficiently doling out playing time to the necessary people in their game 4 loss and has lost confidence in him. 
  • Since he's going to be a free agent and leave, he's tanking to make it easier on the Cleveland fans.
Mostly ridiculous stuff as you can see and I doubt we will find out if any of them are true but still funny all the same. People are ready to crucify James for his performance, even though he is only one member of that team. One thing that did concern me about Lebron in that game is that he seemed not as into the game as usual. Some have mentioned his lack of involvement in two skirmish that occurred with him in the game (Shaq-Perkins)(Williams-Rondo). Some spoke about his continuous long looks at the ceiling of the Quicken Loans Arena. And these things aren't typical of Lebron especially in the playoffs. Everyone is ready to label him the new Karl Malone instead of the new Jordan or Magic or Bird. The problem with that is that, in the case of Magic, Bird and Jordan, they all had Robins to pick up in games that they were doing bad in. Lebron has over-the-hill Shaq, Mo Williams (the world's worst All Star selection), or Antawn "I have never been good in big moments, ask Wizards fans" Jamison.

So what happens if the Cavs lose? Who knows but the most likely locations I could see Lebron in are

  • Chicago which is unfortunate because I just feel like the Jordan shadow would always be there
  • Cleveland as he could make the most money there and maybe he just doesn't want to go out this way. He would become a pariah in Cleveland if he leaves...on par with Art Modell
  • The Knicks, which is ridiculous if he wants to win now because they literally have no one else.. or 
  • the future Brooklyn Nets (who I actually wouldn't mind especially after they win the draft lottery and draft John Wall *wink*) Could you imagine a Wall-James-BrookLopez combo plus throw in some 2nd tier free agent as well?????????? sorry my heart just stopped.

My thought: Lebron should come out firing as he usually shows up in elimination games but we must remember this is a team sport. It just feels like Boston understands that they must win this game tonight and cannot let it go back to Cleveland. But it's really up in the air.  Would anyone watching the NBA at the All Star break believe we could possibly hear these words uttered : It's the Celtics, It's the Suns, It's the NBA Finals!!! Just saying it could happen. One thing for sure though, David Stern must be peeing in his pants right now.

Check me out on twitter tonight (EDIASDblog) as I'll be tweeting about the game throughout the evening. Hopefully its a good one.

Trying to Relive the Glory Days

A couple of weeks ago, Jerry Joseph was a 16 year old sophomore on the Varsity basketball team at Permian HS in Odessa, TX. At the time of his enrollment in school at the beginning of his sophomore year Joseph, who was listed as homeless, was taken in by one of the coaches at his new school. He had just been named the school's newcomer of the year and had just helped Permian reach the finals in the state competition. Everything seemed to be going his way.

That was until recently when he was playing in a basketball tournament and he ran into some familiar faces.

Turns out that Jerry wasn't the star basketball player that everyone thought he was. Jerry Joesph's real name is Guerdwich Montimere and he is not 16, he is in fact 22. He some how successfully managed to deceive Ector County Independent School District through several falsified documents and a string of lies.

Two weeks ago at the tournament, a couple of AAU basketball coaches from Fort Lauderdale, FL tipped off the Permian coaches when they recognized Montimere. He had originally graduated from Dillard High School in Fort Lauderdale. It seems as though, Montimere was trying to take another stab at his high school glory days.

I'm not sure, if given the opportunity, that I would go back and relive high school again. The whole thing is rather disturbing. What was his motivation? How did he do it? And with the level of "extracurricular" activities that go on with the average high school student, did Montimere have any relationships with his "peers?"

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that Guerdwich posted bail and was released from jail. Guerdwich could face up to six months in prison and a fine of $2,500 if he is convicted of identity theft.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Poll Question: Is LeBron LeBroken?

At the beginning of the year Bill Simmons wrote a piece spotlighting LeBron that not only captured what set the reigning MVP apart from current legend in the making, Kobe Bryant, but also what makes LeBron King- his command over a room. And more importantly, his command over the court.

But last night we saw something very different from King James. It wasn't even as though he was having a bad day on the court and just didn't get a chance to find his groove. He has had bad games before, all the great ones do, but last night LeBron seemed like just another guy in a jersey on the court. There was no passion, no aggression, no fight.

In the post season, James, as an individual, has an impeccable record. In 2007 in the Eastern conference finals against the Celtics he scored an awe-inspiring 45 points (the Celtics went on to win). And in last years conference finals he averaged 38.5 points. Regardless of whether his team got the W, James was/is winning and fighting.

But last night he scored a mere 15 points, his passes were all over the place, he appeared to be mentally checked out in the huddle, and he was the first guy off the court. And today, everyone is wondering if the king is putting away his crown for the season.

Maybe the Celtics just found a way to stop LeBron. Maybe there is actually some merit to "elbow gate." Maybe he just can't carry the weight of the Cavs on his back any longer and is ready for his first class ticket to free-agency. Or maybe, and in my opinion less likely, there is something more to this new blemish on LeBron's nearly flawless record.

So is everyone just over reacting? Is there any merit to all the concern and raised eyebrows? Should we give the guy a break, and chalk this up to being just another bad game, nothing more nothing less?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Poll Question: Best Semifinals Performance

The Semifinals have been quite the roller coaster with 3 sweeps already complete and a heavily contested battle between the Celtics and the Cavs. A few big name players have stepped up seal the deal for their team, but who's semi final performance was worthy of them earning the title of best Round 2 performances.
Here are the contenders
  • Kobe Game 3- The the battle royale that was game 3 versus the Jazz, Kobe Bryant reminded us why he is Kobe Bryant. After starting off the game scoring the Lakers first nine points, Bryant had 20 points at the half, which was four more than the rest of the Laker's starters combined. He went on to be strong down the stretch including hitting a 3-pointer with 54 seconds left to tie it at 106. Bryant ended the game with 35 points.
  • Rondo Game 4- Rajon Rondo carried the Boston Celtics with a triple double (29pts, 18 rebounds, and 13 assists) to a Game 4 victory. Making him the 3rd player ever to reach this mark in the playoffs.
  • LeBron Game 3- James with is "injured" elbow in tow had his way with the Celtics when he scored 21 of his 38 points in the first quarter at the Garden. The 21 points in a quarter was a franchise post season record.
  • Dragic Game 3- Dragic's 26 point performance tied for the third highest point total by a reserve 24 years or younger in the playoffs. Although that seems like quite a few caveats it is impressive to have a player his age who is not a starter put up numbers like that and to shut down Tony Parker defensively. He also had the second lowest minute total fo any player scoring 20 points as a reserve under the age of 24.
My vote goes for Rondo. With all the focus usually put on the Celtics Big 3 (Garnett, Allen, and Pierce) the one many used to refer to as the "little guy" showed that he could/would be the force that the Cavaliers would have to reckon with. He was quick, smart, and his passes were impeccable. Not to mention that as the smallest guy on the court he still manages to lead in rebounds. He is the must watch guy for the rest of this series.

What performance do you think topped the list for Round 2? Are there any players that I'm missing?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Poll Question: What Does the Future Hold for these Spurs?

After witnessing a sweep that no one predicted, many are left to wonder if we just witnessed the end of an era as the San Antonio Spurs, led by arguably one of the best power forwards of all time, were swept by a team that they have basically owned the past decade, the Phoenix Suns. Next up for the Suns appears to be a match-up with the Los Angeles Lakers, but what are the next steps for these Spurs? Should they break up the Duncan, Ginobli, Parker nucleus and turn the reins over to the new generation? Or should they stay the course and see if next season will find this current team rejuvenated and ready to make another run? Have we seen the last of Duncan and company?

Personally I think it might be time to find out what George Hill and Dejuan Blair can do moving forward with the team. They will also probably have Thiago Splitter coming from overseas as well. The sweep by the Suns may have been the result of fatigue from the Mavs series and if the Spurs are going to find their stride again they may have to rely on the youth movement. Hopefully they prove to be quick learners as Tim Duncan seems to be on his last legs.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Heart Stopping Back-and-Forth (LAL-UTA Game 3)

One would be foolish to say we haven't seen a lot in this NBA Playoff season. After all, we've seen blow outs (Magic v.s. Hawks Games 1 & 3), we've seen upsets (OKC taking LA to a Game 6, Spurs taking down the Mavs), and on a few momentous occasions, we've even seen history made (Magic get first playoff sweep in franchise history, LeBron becomes youngest player to ever win back to back MVPs, and Kobe- despite the unbelievable number of superstars to grace the pristine court of the Staples Center- sets the record for all time scoring leader of Los Angeles).

Despite these accomplishments, however, not until last night's game between the Lakers and the Jazz did we experience the heart-pounding, jaw-dropping, stomach-turning excitement of a classic back-and-forth. Beginning halfway through the 3rd quarter, I counted at least 15 times when the lead was exchanged. If that's not crazy enough for you die-hard basketball fans, in the last 2 minutes (120 seconds of game play), I counted 7 (count'em 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, SEVEN) times when the lead was traded-off or tied. These two titanic teams battled it out into the very last second of the 4th quarter, neither one of them willing to accept the crushing defeat of losing by 1 point in a playoff game. Ultimately, the Jazz missed a final jumpshot and a last .1 second lay-in to hear the screeching tone of the buzzer, signifying the beginning of an agonizing night riddled with "what-ifs" and "we could haves". But alas, you didn't.

"That was quite a game," said head coach Phil Jackson, "It was fun for fans to watch. It wasn't great for coaches to watch."

We must never belittle the importance of the classic back-and-forth. It is what fans want to see. Even fans who think they want their home-team to blow a team away, actually want a back-and-forth. Of course they want their team to come out on top in the end, but they feel like they've gotten their moneys-worth when they spent that game shouting at the top of their lungs, spilling bear on their neighbor, professing their hatred for their favorite player, then their love, then their hatred, then their love (i.e. "he never follows through, he's gonna blow it..." and then "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, CAN'T NOBODY STOP KOBE!"). It's human nature: we get bored with predictability. For us to truly appreciate good times, a little bit of bad has got to be in the mix.
"Sunny days wouldn't be special, if it wasn't for rain/ Joy wouldn't feel so good, if it wasn't for pain..." - 50 Cent, Many Men

I really hope we get to see more 4th quarter back-and-forths this playoff season- no other phenomenon in sports is quite as entertaining.

Watch Video and Recap Here

- The Supersonic Zombie (Girmay)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Top 5 Point Guards in the League

Because of the stellar point guard play we have seen in the first two rounds of these playoffs I think it is an excellent time to speak on the debate that is ringing out across the NBA: Who are the best point guards in the league? Heres my top 5, let me know yours:

1. Deron Williams
2. Chris Paul
3. Steve Nash
4. Rajon Rondo
5. Derrick Rose

Outside Looking In (in no particular order): Jameer Nelson, Tony Parker, Brandon Jennings, Chauncey Billups, Russell Westbrook (Tyreke Evans is not an actual point guard to me)

And discuss...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Photo of the Day: Players get Political "Los Suns"

The Phoenix Suns were adorned in their "Los Suns" jerseys last night in honor of Cinco de Mayo and in the midst of a political whirlwind over Arizona's recent immigration law. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed one of the toughest laws against illegal immigration on April 23. The law requires police to stop anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant and has drawn tough criticism across the country.

This was not the first time that the Suns have worn this alternative uniform, which has been seen during their "Noche Latina." Suns owner Sarver stated that the team wore the jersey's again last night "to honor our Latino community and the diversity of our league, the state of Arizona and, and our nation." But the jersey were stood for a bit more than just the holiday. The players on the Suns unanimously voted to also use the moment to stand as a united front against Governor Brewer's new law.

"However intended, the result of passing this law is that our basic principles of equal rights and protection under the law are being called into question," Sarver said Tuesday in a statement "and Arizona's already struggling economy will suffer even further setbacks at a time when the state can ill-afford them."Despite Tuesday’s outspoken support of the gesture from those in both organizations — Suns General Manager Steve Kerr said that allowing the police to ask people for their papers “rings up images of Nazi Germany” — the topic of Los Suns jerseys was one that both coaches sought to distance themselves from Wednesday.

While many people including the NBA have shown verbal support of this uniform choice and the united front the Suns are showing, some fans believe that politics should stay out of the arena and the players should focus on what they are paid to do, and just play basketball.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Phillies Fan Gets Tasered

( Steven M. Falk / Staff Photographer )

A Philadelphia police officer - with taser in hand - chases a fan who ran on the field during the 8th inning on Monday night. This overzealous fan was able to make several loops around center field at Citizens Bank Park. The security personnel was in full pursuit and shot the several times before hitting the fan. The man then fell and was helped off the field. The Phillies ended up losing the game to the Cardinals 6-3. It is the first time that a taser has been used by the Phillies security staff.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

And Then There Were 8: Round 2 NBA Playoff Predictions

What an exciting first round of play.... We bore witness as the Spurs and Jazz rose from the pits that the doubters had cast them into and the epic collapses of the Nuggets and Mavericks, two teams people expected to coast through their match-ups. We saw young guns like the Bucks and Thunder push their more talented opponents in the Hawks and the Lakers. We may have even seen Dwyane Wade's last game in a Heat jersey or the foundations of something real in Chicago (perhaps these two are related...). Regardless of what we saw in the first round one thing is for sure: there's nothing like NBA playoff basketball.

It would have been ideal to get these predictions out before the start of the second round but with the mess that is the NBA playoff schedule, we will have to deal with it. Only the defending conference champions were unanimous picks... So without further ado, your second round playoff predictions: