Monday, August 23, 2010

We're Back!

After a month long leave of absence, Every Day is a Sports Day is back to business. Just like Jordan after his gambling suspension baseball hiatus, we are back and better than ever, here to provide you with fresh looks at your sports world.

We have a new design and new blood on the writing staff as well. We're adding baseball, hockey and soccer to our coverage for the upcoming year. We're also adding a new aspect through a more in depth analysis of some our our favorite sports teams, providing a home to both sport's homerism and objective commentary alike.

You'll notice in the coming weeks that with our new writers in tow there will be a lot more activity in terms of the number of posts going up. We want to make sure to provide numerous voices offering some fresh perspectives on the hot topics in sports on a daily basis. In this first week back we are starting strong recapping the biggest stories over the tumultuous summer vacation for the NBA, giving a midseason review for the MLB and offering previews for the new NFL season as well as the other football league, the Premier League.

Needless to say there are some big things on the horizon for this blog. If you're just starting to read us, welcome. If not, welcome back. Either way, we are in for some exciting days, because from now on Every Day is a Sports Day.

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