Saturday, April 17, 2010

NBA Playoffs Round 1: FIGHT

Now we have come to the most exciting part of the NBA season: Playoff Time!! And it's also time for a little playoff predicting, so without further ado I present to you Every Day Is A Sports Day's picks for the winners in the 1st Round.

Eastern Conference

1. Cleveland Cavaliers  vs. 8. Chicago Bulls
John: Cavs. For one reason: LeBron James
Marcus: Cleveland
Michelle: Cleveland. LeBron would never let this team go out in the first round.
Adrienne: LeBron James will figure out a way to fly before the Cavs lose this series. 
Sport for Prophet's Pick: Cavs in 4. Like everyone else said LeBron will just not let his team lose in the first round of the playoffs. In a recent interview he said that the Bulls were facing a different beast in the playoffs. I am inclined to believe him.

4. Boston Celtics vs. 5. Miami Heat

John: Celtics. Boston's not that bad. Garnett will bring everything he's got in the playoffs and Rondo has grown immensely.

Marcus: Heat. Boston is a sad, sad group of old people right now.

Michelle: Celtics. They are playing horribly and look old and useless, nothing like the team from 2009. But they will still make it out of the first round.
Adrienne: Both of these teams are poor excuses for the Celtics and Heat we knew just a few years ago, but the Celtics have enough power to beat out the one man attack, Dwyane Wade, that the Heat will prove to be in this series. 

Sport for Prophet's Pick: Boston in 7. Even though the Celtics are coming into the playoffs hobbling and on their last tank of gas, you have to believe that they will give us one good series before they bow out in the second round. The Heat would need Wade to become superhuman to take this series from Boston.

2. Orlando Magic vs. 7. Charlotte Bobcats

John: Magic. Offense wins games, defense wins championships. Superman will shut it down inside, allowing other defenders to take on Bobcats leader, Stephen Jackson.

Marcus: Magic.
Michelle: Dwight Howard is a beast. That is all.
Adrienne: Who is going to stop that rebounding monster Mr. Dwight

Sport for Prophet's Pick: Magic in 4. The Magic have too much talent for the Bobcats to handle. Orlando should make short work of the Bobcats,

3. Atlanta Hawks vs. 6. Milwaukee Bucks
John: Hawks. The Hawks have been a dark-horse finals candidate all year. Josh Smith, Joe Johnson, and Al Horford are a tough combination, defensively and offensively
Marcus: Hawks.
Michelle: Hawks. I don't know. Since it's easy to sleep on this team, I'm kind of pulling for them.
Adrienne: The Hawks may low key make some noise in these playoffs. 
Sport for Prophet's Pick: Hawks in 5. If Andrew Bogut didn't Theismann his arm then they might have had a chance but now I don't have much faith in their chances.  Also Joe Johnson is very underrated, but I think a deep run for Atlanta may just prove his worth.

Western Conference

1. Los Angeles Lakers vs. 8. Oklahoma City Thunder
John: Lakers. As tempting as it is to call an upset here, the Lakers have home court and if nothing else that  will make the difference. They've struggles in Oklahoma City but if worst comes to worst, they get game 7 at the Stapler and that's enough for Kobe and Co.
Marcus: Lakers
Michelle: Lakers. This matchup will be a close one and fun to watch and although part of me is pulling for the Durantula, I just don't think that they can beat the Lakers 4 times. Durant is solid but Kobe can be that clutch killer we used to see in him and I'm not totally sold that the old Kobe is dead and gone just yet.
Adrienne: Lakers. The Lakers are used to having tough first and second round series' that force them to sure up some of the holes in their arsenal that are evident during the regular season. Kobe will play like the great basketball player that he is and hope to get some quality from Gasol, Odom, Fisher, Bynum, and Co. 
Sport for Prophet's Pick: Lakers in 6. This may be wishful thinking but I think the youth movement of the Thunder will push the Lakers a little bit. The Lakers have too much talent and the Thunder are too inexperienced. Hopefully this will just build Durant's confidence for next year. 

4. Denver Nuggets vs. 5. Utah Jazz
John: Nuggets. This is a toss-up but in the playoff environment I say the Nuggets pull together and win one for coach Karl. It should be one of the closest series in Round 1 though.
Marcus: Nuggets.
Michelle: Jazz. I keep going back and forth on this but for right now I'll go with Utah.
Adrienne: I would like to say that the Nuggets will win this series for all that it symbolizes given what their coach has gone through this year, but I won't be surprised if the Jazz pull it off. 
Sport for Prophet's Pick: Jazz in 7. I don't know why but even through all the injuries I think that Utah may be able to pull this one out. This one was a toss up to me.

2. Dallas Mavericks vs. 7. San Antonio Spurs
John: Mavs. San Antonio is the opposite of rising young teams like OKC and POR. They're old, getting slow, and even though Dallas' stars might not be spring chickens, Jason Kidd is masterful in running the offense.
Marcus: Spurs. San Antonio's been clicking, so I could see them beating Dallas. Manu is playing well, Tony's still lightning quick, and Richard Jefferson and Tim Duncan are both paying very well.
Michelle: Mavs. This one will be close too but I am biased and Dirk has to win or Cuban will ship him back
Adrienne: Mavs.The Spurs are a tired franchise. They need life injected through that orange basketball. Until then my money is on the Mavs and Mark Cuban's crazy ass. 
Sport for Prophet's Pick: Mavs in 7. As I said before I think that we are witnessing the end of the Duncan era on the San Antonio Spurs, and the Mavs are coming into this game with much to prove to their detractors. Hopefully the Mavs prove that they are not the underachievers they are made out to be. 

3. Phoenix Suns vs. 6. Portland Trailblazers
John: Blazers. I haven't picked any upsets yet, and the Blazers are a promising team with the ability to take on the Suns at every level.
Marcus: Suns. Portland would/could be interesting if Brandon Roy was playing, but since he won't be it's Phoenix's series.
Michelle: Suns. If Lopez's back isn't dead, him and Amare are a deadly combo and Steve Nash is still Steve Nash.
Adrienne: Suns. 2 weeks ago this would have been a different answer, but no Roy, no victory. 
Sport for Prophet's Pick: Suns in 5. No Brandon Roy, not much hope for the Blazers. I really like Portland as a team though and they should be able to steal a game at home.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, those Celtics-Heat and Jazz-Nuggets series picks don't feel so safe with Garnett's suspensions (as well as the overall way they played Saturday) and the Okur injury...
